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As this is a multiplayer game modding has to be restricted in Night of the Dead in some way. To ensure that every player of a session has the same game files available is mandatory to restrict cheating ingame. Therefore steam workshop integration would be the way to go for the devs of Night of the Dead.
However, there is a single player mode available in Night of the Dead which may become open to modding as well. By now UnrealPak.exe should be the way to go if you wan’t to extract the file contents of the .pak files. This command line tool is used to encrypt and decrypt packed files within the Unreal Engines filesystem. However, at the moment it is unclear if the developers of Jackto Studios have encrypted their files. I bet they did. Once I have time I will look into this.
UnrealPak command line usage
- UnrealPak -Test
- UnrealPak -List [-ExcludeDeleted]
- UnrealPak -ExportDependencies= -NoAssetRegistryCache -ForceDependsGathering
- UnrealPak -Extract [-Filter=]
- UnrealPak -Create= [Options]
- UnrealPak -Dest=
- UnrealPak -Repack [-Output=Path] [-ExcludeDeleted] [Options]
- UnrealPak -diff
- UnrealPak -AuditFiles [-OnlyDeleted] [-CSV=] [-order=] [-SortByOrdering]
- UnrealPak -WhatsAtOffset [offset1] [offset2] [offset3] […]
- UnrealPak -GeneratePIXMappingFile -OutputPath=
More command line options
- -blocksize=
- -bitwindow=
- -compress
- -encrypt
- -order=
- -diff (requires 2 filenames first)
- -enginedir (specify engine dir for when using ini encryption configs)
- -projectdir (specify project dir for when using ini encryption configs)
- -encryptionini (specify ini base name to gather encryption settings from)
- -extracttomountpoint (Extract to mount point path of pak file)
- -encryptindex (encrypt the pak file index, making it unusable in unrealpak without supplying the key)
- -compressionformat[s]= (set the format(s) to compress with, falling back on failures)
- -encryptionkeyoverrideguid (override the encryption key guid used for encrypting data in this pak file)
- -sign (generate a signature (.sig) file alongside the pak)
- -fallbackOrderForNonUassetFiles (if order is not specified for ubulk/uexp files, figure out implicit order based on the uasset order)
Maybe some day there will be a specific .pak extractor for Night of the Dead files which enables users to open and modify the .pak files without a hassle.
Modding Tools
This is the list of available modding tools for Night of the Dead. If you want to suggest or upload modding tools of your own, you can do so by entering the modding forums for Night of the Dead.
- UnrealPak.exe
- Unreal Unlocker
is it possible to unpack files night of the dead? I think so, because one modder localized the game to our language. I would like to localize the files myself to our language, but I don’t know how to extract the files and especially how to do it.
Yes it is possible but you need the key